
Best apple ii emulator
Best apple ii emulator

best apple ii emulator best apple ii emulator

The Apple IIGS was released on September 15, 1986. The Apple IIc was released on Apand retailed for $1295 and had a 65C02 CPU at 1.023 MHz, 128KB of RAM, same graphics modes, speaker, as the Apple //e, it had built-in storage, and a built in 140KB single sided 5.25-inch floppy drive. The Apple //e was released in January of '83 and had the same CPU and expansion slots as the Apple ][, 64KB of RAM, had a full ASCII keyboard, it introduced the double-low-resolution graphics mode which had a resolution of 80x48 in 16-color, and a double-high-resolution of 560×192 in 16 colors.

best apple ii emulator

The Apple ][+ was released in June of '79 and retailed for $1195 and had the same 6502 CPU, 16KB of RAM, the same graphics modes, speaker, expansion slots, and keyboard as the original. In a couple of weeks of debugging and testing emulator became what we can see it now - a real working powerful emulator of Apple][ was released in June of '77 and retailed for $1298 and had a 6502 CPU at 1.023 MHz, 4KB of RAM, a cassette tape for storage, a 1-bit speaker, 7 expansion slots, it's keyboard was only uppercase, a low-res 40x48 16-color graphics mode, and a hi-res 280x192 6-color graphics mode. IT WORKED! I could distinguish flashing cursor at the bottom of the filthy window, and that was my star hour! See this screen on one of the earliest screenshots of LinApple. So, instead of inventing a wheel, I decided to port AppleWin to Linux, using SDL library (Simple DirectMedia Layer) and changing all Windows API functions to their POSIX equivalents.Īnd I rolled up my sleeves and started to work, and in about half-week of unceasing work I could compile changed sources and run it. First started in far 1994-1996 by Michael O'Brien and later caught up by Thomas Charlesworth, who maintains it nowadays.ĪppleWin is almost perfect, but it has one disadvantage - it can not be runned on Linux! It is ever-growing, open-sourced, powerful, it emulates lots of things Apple2 can do, including such rare hardware as Mockingboard/Phasor, Hard Disks support and Mouse Interface. AppleWin ( ), in my opinion is the best emulator of Apple2 series computers.

Best apple ii emulator